Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Hipnotize by Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,ST,MSi

Trance Hinotize!!! Amazing !!!

Trance state - Hypnotise someone into trancelike state to remove memories, psychology etc. Also possible on the self. download this movie
Suggestion - Command the hypnotised person. Delayed action - Receipient is, after ending the trancelike state, still under influence and does an action at a certain time and place, and will not remember why.
Fast trance - Hypnotise someone quickly by looking/ gesturing, act of will.
Brainwash - Hypnotised will do anything, even to the point of death.
U$80 for practicioner and U$100 for Master level
Direct Transfer to my Indonesian Bank :
Name :Yulius Eka Agung Seputra,
Acc Number :4211601552.

My Address: jl.Kalimantan no.236 Depok Utara
postal code :16421
west Java Indonesia

or Western Union Payment if you don't have Bank Account and confirm me money transfer number

(confirm me before and send me :

Name sender :
Name recipient : Yulius Eka Agung seputra.
MCTN /western union transfer number: )

at stulung@yahoo.com

If you interested but want to prove this, you can ask me to give temporary initiation

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